
  • N. Ya. Kozariichuk Вищий державний навчальний заклад України «Буковинський державний медичний університет», м. Чернівці, Україна



Ключові слова:

пошкодження, передній відділ очного яблука, цитокіни, клітини Лангерганса


В статті представлені сучасні літературні дані відносно важливості механізмів імунної дисфункції при пошкодженні переднього відділу очного яблука.


Ammar Ali (Mokhammed Said) Daud. Vdoskonalennia metodiv diahnostyky i likuvannia korneoskleralъnykh poranen' oka (eksperymental'no-klinichne doslidzhennia) [Improvement of the methods of diagnosis and treatment of corneoscleral wounds (experimental-clinical study)] [avtoreferat]. Kyiv; 2004. 20 s. (in Ukrainian).

Baran TV, Greben' NK, Churjumov DS. Primenenie nizkointensivnogo lazernogo lechenija v rannem posleoperacionnom periode pronikajushhih ranenij glaza [The use of low-intensity laser treatment in the early postoperative period of penetrating wounds of the eye]. V: Zbirnyku naukovykh prats' Ukrains'koi viis'kovo-medychnoi akademii. Problemy viis'kovoi okhorony zdorov`ia. Kyiv. 2013;1(38): 346-49. (in Russian).

Venher LV. Vdoskonalennia tekhnolohii plastychnoi i rekonstruktyvnoi khirurhii raiduzhnoi obolonky ta rozrobka novoho monitorynhu pisliaoperatsiinoho likuvannia [Improvement of the technology of plastic and reconstructive surgery of the iris and development of new monitoring of postoperative treatment] [avtoreferat]. Odesa; 2010. 39 s. (in Ukrainian).

Gejn CB. Rol' ß-jendorfina v nejrojendokrinnoj reguljacii funkcij immunnoj sistemy [The role of ß-endorphin in neuroendocrine regulation of immune system functions] [avtoreferat]. Perm'; 2007. 50 s. (in Russian).

Zhaboedov DG. Osobennosti funkcij i anatomicheskogo stroenija hrusta¬lika glaza cheloveka kak prosvetlennoj opticheskoj linzy [Features of the functions and anatomical structure of the crystal of the human eye as an enlightened optical lens]. V: Zbirnyku naukovykh prats' UVMA. Problemy viis'kovoi okhorony zdorov`ia. Kyiv. 2013;1(38): 364-71. (in Russian).

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Knorring GJu. Citokinovaja set' kak mishen' sistemnoj jenzimoterapii [Cytokine network as a target of systemic enzyme therapy]. Citokiny i vospalenie. 2005;4:45-9. (in Russian).

Pinkera A, Marin'o M, Fiorje Je. Issledovanie antitel k shhitovidnoj zheleze v klinicheskoj praktike [Study of antibodies to the thyroid gland in clinical practice]. Tironet. 2003;4:52-7. (in Russian).

Metelitsyna IP. Biokhimichni zakonomirnosti rozvytku pomutnin' kryshtalykiv i pidvyschennia stiikosti orhanizmu do dii kataraktohennykh faktoriv [Biochemical regularities of cloudiness of lenses and increase of resistance of an organism to action of cataractogenic factors] [avtoreferat]. Kyiv; 2002. 39 s. (in Ukrainian).

Imel'baeva JeA, Hajrullina PM, Medvedev JuA, Aznabaeva LF. Metodicheskie ukazanija k zanjatijam po immunologii i serologii [Methodical instructions for classes on immunology and serology].Ufa; 2004. 83 s. (in Russian).

Pavljuchenko KP, Bondar' NI. Okazanie specializirovannoj hirurgicheskoj pomoshhi pri otkrytoj travme glaza s vovlecheniem zony limba [Provision of specialized surgical care in case of open trauma of the eye with involvement of the limb zone]. V: Zbirnyku naukovykh prats' UVMA. Problemy viis'kovoi okhorony zdorov`ia. Kyiv. 2013;1(38):376-82. (in Russian).

Pasiechnikova NV, Rykov SO, Stepaniuk HI. Oftal'molohichna dopomoha naselenniu Ukrainy v 2009 r [Ophthalmologic dopomoga of the population ofUkrainein 2009]. Oftal'molohichnyi zhurnal. 2010;5:83-8. (in Ukrainian).

Rodina YuM. Optymizatsiia likuvannia khvorykh z kontuziieiu oka shliakhom medykamentoznoi stabilizatsii membran lizosom ta korektsii porushen' imunoreaktyvnosti orhanizmu [Optimization of the treatment of patients with eye contusion through drug stabilization of lysosomes membranes and correction of disorders of immunoreactivity of an organism] [avtoreferat]. Odesa; 2008. 21 s. (in Ukrainian).

Rydlovskaja AB, Simbircev AC. Funkcional'nyj polimorfizm gena TNF-a i patologija [Functional polymorphism of the TNF-a gene and pathology]. Citokiny i vospalenie. 2005;3:4-9. (in Russian).

Simbircev AC. Citokiny: klassifikacija i biologicheskie funkcii [Cytokines: classification and biological functions]. Citokiny i vospalenie. 2004;2:16-21. (in Russian).

Slepova OS, Iluridze SL. Znachenie immunologicheskih issledovanij pri vospalitel'noj, posttravmaticheskoj i posleoperacionnoj patologii rogovicy [The importance of immunological studies in the inflammatory, post-traumatic and postoperative corneal pathology]. Materialy nauch.-prakt. konf. Oftal'moimmunologija. Itogi i perspektivy. 2007 Moskva. Moskva; 2007, s. 265-70. (in Russian).

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